Consent to the processing of personal data of customers (individuals)

June 19, 2023

I, leaving an application for the project on the website (including all subdomain names), accept this Consent to the processing of personal data (hereinafter - Consent). I hereby freely, with my will and in my interest, and confirming my legal capacity, I give my consent to the Individual Entrepreneur Chegodaev Anton Andreevich, TIN 615425526049, legal address 347900, Rostov region, Taganrog, Alexandrovskaya str., house 66, sq. 31 (hereinafter - AIA), for the processing of my personal data on the following conditions:


This Consent is given to the processing of personal data both without the use of automation facilities, and with their use.


Consent is given to the processing of my personal data: Personal data that are not special or biometric: name; Email address; Contact phone number; Information about the project.


Personal data is not publicly available.


The purpose of processing personal data: processing of my requests for the purpose of consultancy; Sending to my address notifications related to the services / works provided; Preparation and sending responses to my inquiries. If I place a checkmark on the checkbox of receiving newsletters, the purpose of processing personal data is sending to me the email newsletter of informational and entertaining nature as well.


The basis for the processing of personal data is: Art. 24 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation; Article 6 of the Federal Law No. 152-FL "On Personal Data"; The present consent to the processing of personal data.


Consent is given by AIA to perform the following actions with my personal data during their processing: collection; record; systematization; accumulation; storage; update (update, change); extraction; using; transfer (provision, access); blocking; removal; destruction.


The processing of personal data can be terminated at the request of the subject of personal data. Storage of personal data recorded on paper carriers is carried out in accordance with Federal Law No. 125-FL "On Archival Affairs in the Russian Federation" and other normative legal acts in the field of archival business and archival storage.


Consent may be withdrawn by me by sending a written notice to the address: 347900, Rostov region, Taganrog, Alexandrovskaya str., house 66, sq. 31, for Individual Entrepreneur Chegodaev Anton Andreevich.


In the event that I withdraw consent to the processing of personal data, AIA may continue processing personal data without my consent if there are grounds specified in clauses 2 to 11 of part 1 of Article 6, part 2 of Article 10 and part 2 of Article 11 of Federal Law No. 152-FL "On personal data."


The date of issue of this Consent is the date of sending my application for a project from the website.


This Consent is valid all the time until the termination of the processing of personal data specified in Clause 8 of this Consent or until the dissolution of the legal entity.